domingo, dezembro 19, 2021

Dr. Peter McCullough: "There is no bigger public health crisis than the impact of censorship in COVID-19."

In a podcast interview that would not have been allowed on YouTube, medical scientist Dr. Peter McCullough charged that media and government censorship related to COVID-19 treatments have caused untold harm, contributing to many deaths.
Joe Rogan, the nation's No. 1 podcaster, told McCullough that on nearly every other online platform, including YouTube, their conversation would be censored.
"But what you're saying is incredibly important," said Rogan, whose podcast, "The Joe Rogan Experience," is streamed by Spotify.
"Censorship that has suppressed for two years information on safe and effective early treatment and censorship on vaccine safety has led to large numbers of deaths, hospitalizations and permanent disability," McCullough said.
"There is no bigger public health crisis than the impact of censorship in COVID-19."
McCullough has testified before the U.S. Senate on the suppression of early treatments that have been shown to be effective for COVID-19, including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. His concern about the COVID-19 vaccines centers on the unusually high number of reports of deaths and severe adverse events, such as myocarditis, compared to previous vaccines.
'Why won't they let the vaccine injured tell their stories?'
Social-media networks such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook have been among the chief censors of the opinions of qualified physicians and medical scientists such as McCullough.
YouTube suspended the account of Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., in early November after he posted video of a roundtable event with a panel of medical experts and vaccine-injured people discussing vaccine mandates.
"Once again Big Tech is censoring the truth," Johnson said in a statement. "Why won't they let the vaccine injured tell their stories and medical experts give a second opinion? Why can’t we discuss the harmful effects of mandates? Apparently, the Biden administration and federal health agencies must not be questioned. How many more lives will be needlessly destroyed?"
When the renowned British Medical Journal published a report on a whistleblower's claim, supported by documents, of poor practices in the clinical trial of the Pfizer vaccine that could impact data integrity and safety, Facebook slapped a "false information" label on posts of the article.

(...) WND