terça-feira, fevereiro 15, 2022

CDC data signaling vaccine catastrophe

In 1976, after 32 deaths were attributed to the swine flu vaccine, the U.S. government halted the mass vaccination campaign.

But now, despite the VAERS database run by the CDC and the FDA reporting more than 23,000 deaths related to the COVID-19 vaccines, the messaging from establishment media and top health officials such as Dr. Rochelle Walensky and Dr. Anthony Fauci essentially is that no one has died or suffered severe adverse effects from the largest rollout of an experimental vaccine in world history.

When confronted more than one month ago in a Senate hearing, Walensky and Fauci both dodged a direct question about the number of vaccine deaths and injuries by undermining the validity of the VAERS data, which is compiled to monitor vaccine safety. And "fact checkers" repeatedly have cited the CDC saying it can't be proved that any of the deaths record in VAERS were caused by the vaccines. To date, as WND reported, Walensky still has not fulfilled her promise to a Republican senator to provide the American people with the government's evidence-based estimate of vaccine-related deaths and adverse events.

But over the past two years, a data analyst with a PhD in computational biology and postdoctoral degrees in biochemistry and molecular biology has been conducting a thorough analysis of the data in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System website.

In a video interview with WND, Jessica Rose argues that the whole point of the VAERS database is to watch for "safety signals" that may have been missed in clinical trials.

And the data, when interpreted according to a standard method of determining causation used by the World Health Organization, is signaling red alert.

"It's not debatable that something is going on here," she told WND.

Rose has a PhD in computational biology from Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Israel, along with post-doctoral degrees in molecular biology and biochemistry. She began specializing in pathogenic viruses, including HIV research in a level 3 lab. Rose conducted epidemiological modeling after earning a masters degree in immunology and applied mathematics. She was a postdoctoral researcher in biology at the Israel Institute of Technology from 2016 to 2020 and now is an independent data analyst and researcher. Some of her latest evidence, findings and thoughts on the issue can be found on her website and Substack page.

In the 61-minute interview with WND, she pointed out that over the past 30 years – until 2021 – the average number of adverse events annually for all vaccines combined was about 39,000. And the number of deaths was about 140.

But to date, since December 2020, more than 23,000 deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccines – more than 10,000 of those occurring in the United States – have been reported to VAERS.

Top public health officials dismiss the validity of the data in VAERS, arguing "junk data" or "false data" have been entered into the system. The CDC essentially insists that no one can say that any of the deaths reported to VAERS is caused by the COVID vaccines.

"That's not even a sensible thing, or scientific thing to say," Rose said. "You can't say that. Because these reports are made in the context of these specific products."

She emphasized that VAERS contains a "highly vetted data set" in which false entries are punishable by prison, and duplicates are removed.

Rose – who teamed with epidemiologist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough on a published study of VAERS reports of myocarditis – acknowledged that the percentage of the reported deaths and adverse events actually caused by the vaccines is unknown.

See the WND interview with Jessica Rose

(...) WND