It’s clear that there are people at the highest level who knew the attack on Israel would happen.
An Egyptian intelligence official said Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’. Israel also has one of the most advanced militaries in the world and works in close cooperation with the CIA. There must have been people who knew and either wanted it to happen or they let it happen.
It’s also clear that many are now angrily beating the drums of war, just like we’ve seen throughout the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
People on both “sides” are eager to see further escalation of this conflict, regardless of whether or not it launches us into World War 3.I think that’s an extremely dangerous path to go down on and I’d exercise great caution in following any narratives like that.
Before we start World War 3, it’s worth asking ourselves:
Who benefits from further escalation of this conflict?
Who benefits from this war?
If there is one thing that’s for sure, it’s that it us ordinary people will not benefit from this war being escalated further, nor will the innocent civilians currently caught in the crossfire. Please pray for them.
So, for those who keep asking “what side are you on?”
First and foremost, my loyalties lie with God, Family, and Country. That’s Jesus Christ, my family (in Him) and *my own* country.
As this conflict escalates, it will agitate radical jihadist sentiments around the world. Especially in Europe.
I’m extremely concerned with the mobilization and emboldenment of the millions of military-aged Muslim men imported into our homelands.
Hamas just announced this Friday the 13th will be “day of general mobilization in the Arab and Islamic world”.
With the insane (and most definitely intentional) demographic shifts we’ve seen in Europe, having millions of fighting age Muslim men imported over the past decade, I’m expecting riots and most likely violence all over Western Europe as this conflict escalates. Major cities in particular will be dangerous.
This was to be expected at some point.
We’ve warned about this happening for years, but the destabilization of Europe was also clearly wanted by our overlords. Divide and conquer in full force.
Secondly, as it pertains to geopolitical strategy: I’m on the side of those trying to keep their heads cool, who don’t want to see World War III started, and who want to see as many innocent lives spared on both sides as possible.
I don’t know if that side even exists at this point.
I don’t know how this will all unfold, but I do know, that for now - acknowledging that I don’t know what I don’t know - that’s the “side” I’m on.
E a confirmar o que diz Eva, reparem bem no que aconteceu hoje em Londres, em frente à embaixada israelita.
Londres, esta noite.
— Alex B. (@maisumcarneiro) October 9, 2023
Vai ficar tudo bem 🌈