Parágrafo eloquente tirado de uma entrevista da Wired a Ernie Cline:
“[In movies] they just come down and begin to conduct a World War
II-style ground invasion against us, with ship-to-ship combat, because
it’s all really great and cinematic and a lot like Star Wars.
But why would the aliens do that? They could just hurl a meteor at Earth
if they wanted to exterminate us. Or why do they even come to Earth to
begin with? The idea is always that Earth is this perfect, rare, blue
world, but it’s perfect for us because we evolved to live here, but for
any other alien they always have to terraform Earth. Well why not
terraform a lifeless world that’s not inhabited by nuke-wielding monkey
boys who are going to fight back? … And if an intelligent species has
the technology to travel light years across interstellar space with
these massive warships, then they’ve probably reached the Singularity, and they’d be beyond the need for anything that we have.”