quarta-feira, setembro 22, 2021

Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious To Humans

A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon’s scientific arm DARPA to genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make them more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the subsequent outbreak and pandemic.
The London Telegraph reports
the findings revealed by Drastic, a web-based investigations team set up by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of Covid-19.
The documents they obtained, confirmed as genuine by former US government officials, show that DARPA turned down the request, saying the plans for yet more gain of function research were TOO DANGEROUS to the human population.
The Telegraph notes that the documents reveal the Wuhan scientists “submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing ‘novel chimeric spike proteins’ of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China.”
The documents also show that the plan involved genetically altering the bat coronaviruses to add “human-specific cleavage sites,” essentially making it easier for the virus to get into human cells.
This is EXACTLY what was discovered when Covid-19 was first genetically sequenced, prompting many scientists to suggest the virus had been genetically manipulated in a lab.

(...) Summit / The Telegraph