quarta-feira, dezembro 15, 2021

Covid jabs “appear to expose people to an increased mortality”

Researchers from Queen Mary University in London (QMUL) are drawing attention to the “anomalies” they found in the reporting of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” data that make the injections appear safe and effective when the opposite is true.
The alleged benefits of the shots are “massively exaggerated,” the team found, while the risks involved with taking them, “increased mortality” being one of the biggest, are being intentionally hidden from view.
A huge problem involves the way government authorities purposely misclassify the definition of an “unvaccinated” person. Only after 14 days is someone who got injected considered “vaccinated,” which means if he or she dies on day 13, then it is counted as an “unvaccinated” death.
Dr. Norman Fenton, a professor of risk information management at QMUL and lead author of the study, explained in a recent interview more details about his team’s findings.
“When it comes to the vaccine, ultimately, the only truly objective way to evaluate its overall risk [vs.] benefit is to compare the all-cause mortality for the vaccinated against the unvaccinated,” he told LBC Radio.
“So, in crude terms, if the virus is as dangerous as claimed and the vaccine is as effective as claimed, then we should by now have data confirming that the vaccines are saving a lot more lives than they’re killing.”
Everything they’re telling us about these injections is false
Fenton and his co-author Dr. Martin Neil looked closely at the data provided by the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), which claims that covid injections are “safe and effective,” and found this claim to be a lie.
There were “so many inconsistencies and anomalies in the data,” they said, “that when you take account of the most obvious explanations for these, there really is no reliable evidence that the vaccines reduce all-cause mortality.”
“In fact, if you take account of the fact that newly vaccinated people [who] die, [are] likely being misclassified as unvaccinated – because that’s the most likely explanation for the strange things in the data – then you get to the conclusion that the vaccines don’t seem to reduce the all-cause mortality, but rather produce a genuine spike in all-cause mortality shortly after vaccination,” Fenton further summarized.

(...) News Target