domingo, dezembro 12, 2021

Washington state Governor likens unvaccinated to domestic terrorists.

Washington state Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee likened people who have chosen not to take the experimental COVID-19 vaccines to domestic terrorists.
"Thirty-four percent of Washingtonians are walking around with a time bomb in their backpack because they’re not vaccinated," he said at a press conference.
Seattle talk-radio host Jason Rantz spotlighted Inslee's "ridiculous" remark, pointing out that the governor's administration acknowledges there are people who can't receive a vaccine for medical reasons or have "deeply held religious convictions."
And many who refuse to take a COVID-19 vaccine have simply done a cost-benefit analysis, pointing to the minuscule risk of death in healthy people along with the known and future unknown adverse events from vaccines that were rushed to the market in one-fifth to one-tenth the usual time.

(...) WND