quarta-feira, fevereiro 02, 2022

Tucker Trucker.

"Over the span of just a few years, Trudeau has turned a nation long famous for Molson and sled dogs and niceness into a relentlessly punitive surveillance state. People have long whispered in dead seriousness that Justin Trudeau is the biological son of Fidel Castro. You could laugh it off, but now it's becoming pretty easy to believe. Trudeau has used systematically COVID to short circuit democracy in Canada and to end organized Christianity there. Canadians can no longer travel freely within their own country, they can all go return to their own country at certain parts. Pastors have been imprisoned for holding church services. The unvaccinated can be sent to jail for buying certain products in stores."

A propósito do que se está a passar no Canadá, Tucker Carlson abre o livro e dispara um monólogo daqueles que o transformaram no mais popular pundit da televisão por cabo americana. Um manifesto anti-Justin para os anais da sátira política.