segunda-feira, setembro 19, 2022

Jordan Peterson Dixit #01

 Woman Prefer Competent Men

Men are unbelievably motivated by status concerns because women primarily choose men on the basis of their perceived status. That's a bit misleading because women actually use status as a marker for productive generosity.  

So, if you have to sum someone up quick, you might think, "Well, does he have resources?" But the women, unless they're unsophisticated, they're not really interested so much in the resources, although that's not nothing. They're interested in the ability to generate the resources because that's a much better resource than just resources.  

You could have a useless guy who inherited a lot of money, as opposed to a guy who doesn't have a lot of money but whose prospects are bright. And a sensible woman will take the latter guy over the former and certainly be in much better condition to have a sustainable and enjoyable relationship.

Jordan B. Peterson . Mondays of Meaning - September 19th, 2022