segunda-feira, janeiro 24, 2022

Fenómeno poltergeist: um minuto de verdade na CNN.

A estação de Atlanta é o sítio onde a verdade vai para morrer. Mas por uma vez, e por lapso técnico, de certeza, foi possível, durante um redondo minuto, ouvir na CNN uma opinião crítica, certeira e realista sobre a administração Biden. O acto de impensável dissonância foi protagonizado por Scott Jennings perante a passividade estarrecida de Anderson Cooper, um autêntico robô do regime. Vale a pena ouvir Jennings neste momento televisivo que é de uma raridade absolutamente recordista.

“The mandate was simply ‘replace Donald Trump and don’t do anything drastic or stupid', and yet everything about this agenda is extremely drastic. And he’s been angrier than I think people expected, he’s been more divisive, he’s been more partisan.

You look at the issues. We built five years of coverage on Trump out of Russia, COVID, and democracy. The president, in his press conference, invites Russia to invade the Ukraine. We have more [COVID] deaths under Biden than Trump. And now we have the president and the vice president question the legitimacy of the 2022 election? Are we any better off on these issues that we crucified Trump over?

I think he has a lot of political problems, and an AP poll came out this morning, only 28 percent of Americans want the sitting president to run for re-election. And fewer than half of Democrats. This is a disaster.”